Friday, August 15, 2014


mixed media
16 x 8
July 2014

Sometimes a canvas just doesn't work.  I started this one a couple years back now, before I started to keep track of progress.  This could be one of those archaeological digs of paint layers. I think it started as two people in a bedroom, then was covered with several layers of abstract color work, then a series of lines that I was going to write over.  This final piece has several more layers of paint and a pour of resin. Finally calling it done in July, but waiting another month to post about it.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sleepy Times

I gave myself a new challenge, to work on painting people with a touch more realism.

Oil on Canvas
22 x 30
June 2014

Sleeping In
Oil on Canvas
16 x 18
June 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

new works, a show and an award

Coy Bird
Feb 2014
Acrylic on Canvas
Most of the time I worked on Coy Bird I viewed it as a vertical painting.  I hit a point, though, were I thought there was just something missing.  I started rotating the canvas to another perspective and the it hit me. It wasn't missing something, I was just looking at it wrong.

April 2014
Oil on Canvas
A kind of abstract landscape idea of the Pacific NW region.

Sunday Stroll Through a Region of Imminent Peril
May 2014
Oil on Canvas
I am definitely of the opinion that art can be fun and have some humor.  This is pretty self explanatory and I think humorous. The title is partially from the tv show Archer. 

At the RAW Spectrum Show

 Raw Spectrum Show

I was very honored to participate in the RAW Spectrum show at the Showbox at the Market April 17, 2014.

I had been contacted by one of the organized and asked if I would like to participate.  The show was a great experience.  I had a twelve foot section of fence and a table to display work.  I showed five canvases and three sculptures. The response was super positive.

Figurative Art Competition
End of April I entered Online Gallery's Figurative Art Competition and won a special recognition award for the New Year painting embedded in resin.

Thursday, January 23, 2014